Travel differently, take pleasure in what you do and get great value from the trip. As a single traveler, a couple, a family or as a group of friends – each holiday maker will find something to fit.
Hiking, sailing, wildlife watching, riding, scuba-diving, taking it easy, slow-food, cooking courses, organic wine, well-being – each will find something that will interest them.
You will find on this page our favourite choices or new offers and a research system to locate what you want precisely. Each trip is listed by key-word: activities, ecosystem, and responsible tourism parameters.
Do not forget to consult our Events page where you will find your list of our daily hikes, slide shows, and our evening presentations of our destinations given by our guides themselves.
Bon Voyage during your visit to our site!
Suggestions for summer
In Crete
In Holland
New holidays
In Sri Lanka
From the shores to the cooler hill country, take a few moments to enjoy this land as you would a fine cup of tea
An island nation of the size of Benelux, this amazing country offers multiple experiential layers to the visitor: a culture rich and diverse in religion, ways of life and expression in art and food all blending together with the traces of past colonisations, there are national parks filled with a myriad of species including leopard and the iconic Asian Elephant and mountains draped with tea gardens and treaded with trails and ringed by golden beaches.Coups de coeur
In El Hierro
In Myanmar
Our holidays at a glance
Click on a red target to reveal a link to the holiday. Don’t hesitate to zoom in, as some travels are hidden behind others.
Our customers enjoyed their travel
Wonderful holidays in El Hierro
A sporting holiday to discover a wild and contrasting island with a competent and friendly guide. Unforgettable!