
Oman – a country of deserts


This is a tailor-made trip with your wishes and our experience in mind


Depending on itinerary choice

Length of holiday:

Recommended minimum 10 days


Explore mountains, beaches, deserts and enjoy the exotic spices of this amazing cultural crossroads

The Sultanate of Oman is exceptional in more than one way in this region of the world. The Omanis welcome you to their tradional world which is now slowly opening. The spectacular geography of their country takes you from the remote Empty Quarter to the mountain ranges — some exceeding 3,000 metres — via superb and empty coasts. A history flavoured by the multiple cultures of Zanzibar, Iran, and India. All this makes Oman a country apart and to be explored in detail by those who are fascinated by the world of Philby, Thomas, Thesiger, and Morris.
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