In seeking out unusual and different enounters we have been in touch with Mr. Bernard Repond a keen lover of the plains of Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia.
Over many years of journeying in the area he bacame well acquainted with the Obolbekov family, a sheperding family who have been guiding visitors to the area on horse back tours for more than 20 years.
Bernard Repond, a Swiss, has developed an organization, “Pamir’s bridges”, with the impressive aim of restoration of the high mountain bridges to enable the local people to stay in their homelands so to avoid an exodus to the cities.
One of the missions of this organisation is to promote a gentler form of tourism based on ecotourism and respect for the environment and the local population.
We, for our part, hope to further the aims of the local people in this largely untouched land. To do this, we now work with Ishen Obolbekov and his family by making his itineraries through A Taste of Travel.
Please check: for more information on the mountain bridges project.